Netflix: Red Notice

A Red Notice is issued to warn the world about the most dastardly criminals - from global art thieves to snack-stealing friends. DIVE partnered with Netflix to invite movie watchers to put their friends and family on #RedNotice. These call-outs were put on an iconic digital spectacular in Times Square. 

The stars of the show took an active part in this cheeky campaign. Gal Gadot, Ryan Reynolds, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson used #RedNotice on Twitter to put each other on a playful blast. Apparently, The Rock likes to steal fries and Ryan Reynolds isn’t as great as his mom! The stars actively stimulated the conversation and movie hype for their new release. The trio even participated in an exclusive video that aired on Twitter and the billboard. Not to be left out, the Iron Sheik saw this activation and jumped at the chance to put the cast on Red Notice!

Netflix built incredible momentum for the film’s launch. This campaign drew in amazing earned media and with 100% share of voice on the Billboard, the conversation pushed on and off-platform for an entire day! This was a forward thinking activation that used Twitter as a medium to increase the discussion around the film’s theme - mischief ;)

November 10, 2021

New York
